Monday, January 20, 2014

Nuts and Berries Greek Yogurt! Yum~

My first food post!  So if any of you follow me on instagram (hanners_94) you know I love my greek yogurt...

This is an easy thing I make in the mornings for breakfast or just as a snack.  It's not really a recipe or anything because this is something anyone can make, I'm just showing what I like to put together in my yogurt. :)

So let's get started!

Things you'll need~
-Berries of your choice, I used raspberries and blueberries (my fave!)
-Greek Yogurt (mine's vanilla flavored Light &Fit)
-Trail mix with low sodium (mine's from Sam's Club, WildRoot's Forest Berry)
-Chia seeds (high in omega-3's and fiber, mine's from Costco but they sell them at most grocery stores now since they are pretty popular now) 
read more about the benefits of these seeds --> Chia Seed Article

1.  Wash your berries with cold water and baking soda. (Obviously)
2.  Fill your bowl with the greek yogurt
3.  (optional step)  my trail mix came with yogurt chips that look like white chocolate chips, I stuffed one of these chips in each raspberry for extra sweetness!
4. Throw in the berries and trail mix nuts into the yogurt
5. Sprinkle chia seeds
6. Done. Enjoy!
Eating berries everyday is great for your health.  This a delicious way to do just that.  Please read about Chia Seeds because they are amazing for you.  The seeds are so small and they don't taste like anything so I don't see why you wouldn't add it into your regular diet. 
Hope you guys found this helpful and stay healthy!

"But he cautioned, "You should only eat a small amount, maximum one ounce a day."
That's because chia is very high in fiber, which in large quantities can cause stomach upset.
"Chia will keep you fuller longer and prevent you from overeating. You have that feeling of fullness in your stomach because when you wet chia seeds, they form a gelatinous substance that takes longer to digest.
"You'll overeat less and tend to snack less. If you eat chia before a meal, you'll eat less at the next meal. It packs a nutritional punch without adding a lot of food to your diet."
And while the drinks in particular are convenient and filling, Goldberg does not recommend them as a meal replacement. "There's not enough nutrients and calories. What I would say is, it's a great addition." "
California dreamin'
xoxo, LA

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