Spread the love <3
So here's what you'll need:
- Canvas, mines 8" x 10"
- Wrapping paper
- Double-sided tape
- Printer-ink-A4 paper
- Scissors/exacto knife
- Mod podge
- Brush
- Nail and hammer/Command damage-free strips
Let's get started~
1. Find a quote you love <3
2. I went on Word and typed the quote and used the font I thought would fit well with the style of the quote.
3. Enlarge the font size to your liking so that it fits on your canvas.
(Don't worry if you print it and it turns out too big or too small, just flip that same paper over and feed it back into the printer after resizing it again, this way you won't waste paper because it'll just print again on the backside of the same piece of paper)
4. Next step is to either use scissors or an exacto knife to cut out each letter. This can get really tedious...but it'll be worth it later I promise! For any small crevices in the letters you can use nail scissors.
5. Cut out enough of the wrapping paper of your choice to cover the front of the canvas and a little extra room to cover the sides, top and bottom of the canvas. Like shown in the picture below.
6. Fold over the wrapping paper on the canvas just as if you're wrapping a present, grab some
double-sided tape to secure the paper onto the canvas. If you want a more sturdy and permanent artwork, I recommend using a staple gun to hold the paper down firmly.
7. Then take a brush and mod podge each letter carefully onto the front of the canvas. Make sure the letters all fit onto the canvas as you've arranged them.
8. Let it dry for about 40 mins. then go in with another layer of mod podge over the letters, don't worry mod podge dries clear!
9. After letting your artwork dry for an hour or so, it's ready to hang on your wall!
10. hammer a push pin or nail into the wall to hang it up but if you live in a dorm or apartment, I recommend getting the Command damage-free strips and just stick them on the wall.
And voila! C'est fini! Step back and admire :)
Next up will be a fashion-related post, then my January Favorites! So stay tuned and see ya'll soon!
California dreamin'
xoxo, LA
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